
The Mason of New Orleans and The Angel of Ecbatana • TWO novels of medieval mystery and action with a touch of horror and the supernatural

Created by Charles M. Ryan

Did you miss the campaign? You can make a late pledge here to get a great deal and help bring these novels to life! Two hefty novels take you into the 12th Century. Filled with action, mystery, astonishing plot twists, and characters you'll love spending hours with. Print, audiobook, and ebook!

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Chicken Carcass or Concrete Barrier?
23 days ago – Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 08:22:58 AM

Hi, all, and thanks for backing (or considering) The Mason of New Orleans and The Angel of Ecbatana!
I have a quick question for you, and it regards the intro text at the top of the campaign page. When I put that together (it's from the opening of the current draft of The Angel of Ecbatana), I thought it worked well to introduce a central conceit from the book. But then I thought maybe it's a bit redundant with Martin's little monolog that follows, and maybe it doesn't grab you as viscerally as it could. So I put together a few alternatives. And I asked folk about them on social media. The results were inconclusive, but the options that featured a lot of action, collectively, won out over the current text.
So: here's where you can help. Here are two action-oriented alternatives. Which of these grabs you by the gut and makes you really HAVE to read the book?
Have a read here, and then respond via this poll.
Thanks, and please keep helping spread the word—we’re so close to funding; with your help we can get over the line in the next couple of hours!