TMNO eBook and Other Updates
about 1 month ago
– Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 08:45:04 PM
Hi, all—
We closed the pledge manager last week, and this evening I sent out the ebook of the original edition of The Mason of New Orleans. You should already have received an email with instructions on downloading the file. (If you didn't, just log into BackerKit and you should be able to download it.)
The email should also include instructions on opening the ebook on your Kindle, iPad, or similar device. Here’s the overview:
Using a Kindle or the Kindle app on your phone or tablet:
- Go here: (you’ll have to be logged into Amazon).
- Drag the file into the big gray square. Make sure the "Add to your library” toggle is on (by default it should be).
- Click Send. If all goes well, it should be accessible from your library on your Kindle or Kindle app.
Using Apple Books:
On your Mac, iPad, or iPhone, simply open the file! That should add it to your library, which (depending on your settings) may make it appear in your library on other devices. (So, for example, if you open it on you Mac laptop, it should then appear in your library on your iPad.) If your settings don’t allow that, you can transfer the file to your other device (email or text it to yourself) and open it there.
Using other common ebook readers or apps:
The EPUB format is industry standard, so it will open on most devices and applications. You’ll have to dig out the instructions yourself, though.
Audiobook News
The audiobook for The Mason of New Orleans has been my primary focus for the past couple of months. It’s an interesting process! As I mentioned back in November, I auditioned over 60 potential narrators—at about 10 minutes per audition, that alone was quite a lot of listening! After settling on my choice, I put together a detailed pronunciation guide for the nearly 200 names and terms that might not be familiar to modern readers or listeners.
Then he got to work! He’d deliver chapters, I’d listen and give feedback, and so on. Early chapters sometimes needed two or three rounds, but as feedback was incorporated the process became smoother and smoother. Later chapters often only needed a few revisions.
The audiobook ended up running over 19 hours—a lot of time listening and relistening. I’m very happy with the result, though, and I think you’ll be too!
We wrapped it up about two weeks ago. It’s been in approvals at ACX (the platform that delivers it to Audible and other audiobook apps) since then. It supposedly takes 10 business days to complete. That’s tomorrow. The status currently shows three out of four steps complete—so maybe it’ll be done tomorrow, or maybe it’ll take a bit longer. We’ll see.
As soon as it’s approved on ACX, I’ll download the complete file and get it backers!
What’s Next?
I’m closing in on completion of the revised/improved version of The Mason of New Orleans—just a few bits left on the maps. As soon as it’s done I’ll generate the ebook and send it out to you.
At that time I’ll also send the book to press, along with the character art prints and bookmark. It’ll take a month or so for all of those physical items to get made. Then I’ll start sending them out.
And Then It’s Heads-Down on The Angel of Ecbatana
The Angel of Ecbatana is maybe 40% written. Once the above-discussed rewards are out the door, it will be my main focus. I’m shooting to have it done mid-year, should all go to plan.
Thanks again!